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10 Important Things To Do After A Car Accident

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Every year, there are about six million accidents in the United States. The only good news is that most of the accidents involve property damage only, but one out of three accidents involves driver or passenger injuries, and two out of ten car accidents involve fatal injuries. 

So, if you are involved in a car accident, you can do a number of things to protect yourself and others. The following are the top 10 important things to do after a car accident to prevent unnecessary problems after a car accident.

  1. Take responsibility. Do not run away from the accident spot. 
  2. Take care of the situation. You can prevent more accidents by turning your flashers on or setting up flares. If your lights don’t work, and it’s dark, turn your flashlight on and wait by the side of the road. 
  3. Call the Police. It is a better idea to call the police in circumstances like these. You might even need a police report to manage a claim with your insurance company, even if it’s for the damaged vehicle.
  4. Create a Precise Record. Do not lie to the police, tell them everything that happened and precisely. If you are not aware of certain facts, let your office know. Do not guess, speculate, or assume any of the facts. Tell the police whether you are injured or not. Most injuries from motor vehicles appear hours after the accident, so keep that in mind. 
  5. Take Photographs. If you have a camera with you or a cell phone, take photographs of the vehicle if you notice any kind of damage. If you have injuries on yourself as well, then you must photograph that too. However, if you are not able to take pictures of the scene, then take them after the accident. 
  6. Exchange Dialogues. If, somehow, the police do not take the accident seriously, you should take matters into your own hands and perform an operation yourself. Take the address, telephone number, and names of all the people that were involved in the accident. If there are any witnesses, you must exchange dialogues with them to get more insights. 
  7. Report the Accident. It is essential to notify your insurance company about everything. In addition to this, find out if your insurance policy covers medical benefits or not. If you have “med pay,” then you can submit your medical charges to your insurance company; if not, then you have to deal with the charges yourself. 
  8. Acquire Medical Attention. As mentioned above, motor vehicle accidents show injuries days after the accident, so it is important to seek medical attention right away. Even in minor accidents, you should immediately see a doctor or a physician to get a health shot. Artisan Chiropractic Clinic can have you seen by one of our doctors today. Click Here to schedule an appointment.
  9. Make a File. Create a file by adding all of your accident-related information and documents in it. A claim number should be a part of the file, phone numbers, names, the adjuster who is taking care of the claim, and other expenses that occurred after or during the accident. 
  10. Save your Rights. Another most important thing to do after an accident is to have a discussion with your attorney. Your attorney will take care of your rights and make sure all valuable evidence is kept safe. 

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