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Understanding Chiropractic: A Holistic Approach to Musculoskeletal Care.

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Chiropractic care is a form of healthcare that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. It’s a holistic approach that can help manage pain and discomfort, improve mobility, and promote overall wellness. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques, such as adjustments, muscle work, dry needling, and rehab exercises, to help address the underlying causes of a condition and help patients achieve optimal health and function.

5 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Spine: Advice from Chiropractic Experts

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Maintaining a healthy spine is crucial for overall health and well-being. To reduce the risk of back pain and other spinal-related issues, it’s essential to practice good posture, stretch regularly, invest in a supportive mattress and pillow, exercise regularly, and schedule regular chiropractic adjustments. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can take control of your spinal health and prevent future injuries or pain. Contact Artisan Chiropractic Clinic.

Chiropractic Adjustment: What You Need To Know

Chiropractic adjustment

Chiropractic adjustment is a form of manual manipulation of the spine and other joints in order to improve joint function, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain. This type of treatment is an important part of chiropractic care that can help reduce pain and improve overall health.

Neck Pain FAQs

artisan chiropractic back pain

What are common symptoms of neck pain? Neck pain symptoms typically begin with localized pain in the cervical spine as well as generalized discomfort and stiffness. Associated symptoms vary depending on the underlying cause of pain, but include: Tingling Burning Anxiety Irritability Numbness Dull aching Depression Loss of sensation Muscle stiffness How is neck pain […]



Many people mistakenly refer to any discomfort in the legs, hips, or lower back as sciatica. Sciatic pain, on the other hand, is usually extremely specific and is caused by an underlying illness. Understanding the reason for your sciatic pain is crucial to effectively and safely treating it without increasing the underlying problem. Chiropractic therapy […]

10 Important Things To Do After A Car Accident

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Every year, there are about six million accidents in the United States. The only good news is that most of the accidents involve property damage only, but one out of three accidents involves driver or passenger injuries, and two out of ten car accidents involve fatal injuries.  So, if you are involved in a car […]

How To Handle A Hit And Run Accident?

hit and run accidents

When you’re involved in a crash, and the other driver runs away from the scene, that’s called “hit and run.” Whether someone dented your vehicle in the parking lot in your absence or when it was generally hit by someone while you were in the car, we are here to guide you in this situation.  […]

Low Back Pain

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Back pain affects around 80% of the population at some point in their lives. Back pain symptoms account for more than 264 million days lost from work each year, which is equivalent to two full work days for every full-time worker in the United States. Back discomfort affects individuals of all ages and walks of […]

Neck Pain and Shoulder Pain

Neck Pain

When we least expect it, neck discomfort might attack. You may have overworked yourself, slept incorrectly, or are experiencing the symptoms of a persistent illness. You may have been in an accident but did not sustain a visible neck injury or experience discomfort straight away. You are in excruciating agony within 24 hours after the […]

Migraines and Headache


One of the most prevalent medical concerns is headaches. They might be indicators of stress, mental anguish, or worry, or they can be the result of physical conditions like high blood pressure. A headache can strike anywhere in the skull and is often classified by the location of the head where it occurs. For some, […]

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